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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 21

Autor(i):Peternai, Kristina
Naslov:Učinci književnosti : performativna koncepcija pripovjednog teksta / Kristina Peternai
Impresum:Zagreb : Disput , 2005
Materijalni opis:176 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Palimpsest ; knj. 5
Napomena:Str. [177]: Bilješka o autorici. - Str. 163-168: Bibliografija ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Kazalo pojmova ; Kazalo imena
Ključne riječi:pripovjedni tekst * performativ - geneza pojma * teorija pripovijedanja - pojam performativa * pripovjedni tekst - političko-etički učinci * jezik - performativna koncepcija * govorni činovi - književnost * književne teorije
Sažetak:PERFORMATIVNI JEZIK: Rođenje pojma: performativ kod Johna L. Austina ; Prve reakcije na Austinove teze: É. Benveniste i P. F. Strawson ; Akademski institucionaliziran Austinov nastavljač: John R. Searle ; Performativ kao medij tvorbe subjekta i identiteta: Jacques Derrida ; Hermeneutika individualnosti: Manfred Frank ; Čitanje kao čin: Paul de Man ; Prema teoriji govornih činova u diskurzu književnosti: Mary Louise Pratt ; Nedostaci primjene teorije govornih činova u interpretaciji: Stanley Fish ; Skandal performativa: Shoshana Felman ; Govorni činovi u književnosti: J. Hillis Miller ; Jezik i simbolička snaga: Pierre Bourdieu ; Preispisivanje performativa u teoriji rodnog identiteta: Judith Butler ; PRIPOVJEDNI TEKST KAO PERFORMATIV: Tvorba identiteta i priroda (autorsko/čitateljskog) subjekta ; Povijest, teorija, fikcija ; Emmanuel Lévinas i etička kritika ; Etičko-politički procijep pripovjednog teksta ; Političnost teorije
Signatura:SF 118434-5
Inventarni broj:71695
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:Language and space / edited by Paul Bloom ... [et al.]
Impresum:Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT , cop. 1996
Materijalni opis:597 str. : ilustr
Nakladnička cjelina:Language, speech, and communication
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazala
Ključne riječi:jezik * prostorna percepcija * lingvistika * neuroznanost * znakovni jezik
Sažetak:* The architecture of the linguistic-spatial interface / Ray Jackendoff * How much space gets into language? / Manfred Bierwisch * Perspective taking and ellipsis in spatial description / Willem J. M. Levelt * Frames of reference and Molyneux's question: Crosslinguistic evidence / Stephen C. Levinson * The confluence of space and language in signed languages / Karen Emmorey * Fictive motion in language and "ception" / Leonard Talmy * The spatial prepositions in English, vector grammar, and the cognitive map theory / John O'Keefe * Multiple geometric representations of objects in languages and language learners / Barbara Landau * Preverbal representation and language / Jean M. Mandler * Learning how to structure space for language: A crosslinguistic perspective / Melissa Bowerman * Space to think / Philip N. Johnson-Laird * Spatial perspective in descriptions / Barbara Tversky * A computational analysis of the apprehension of spatial relations / Gordon D. Logan and Daniel D. Sadler * The language-to-object perception interface: Evidence from neuropsychology / Tim Shallice * Space and language / Mary A. Peterson, Lynn Nadel, Paul Bloom and Merrill F. Garrett
APA CC:2720
Ostali autori / urednici:Bloom, Paul
Signatura:2720 96 LAN
Inventarni broj:9596
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Mlikotin, Anthony M.
Naslov:Western Philosophical Systems in Russian Literature : a Collection of Critical Studies / edited by Anthony M. Mlikotin
Impresum:Los Angeles : University of Southern California Press , [1979]
Materijalni opis:IX, 213 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:University of Southern California Series in Slavic Humanities ; No. 3
Napomena:Str. 211-213: Bilješke o autorima. - Napomene i bibliograf. bilješke iza svakog rada
Ključne riječi:ruska književnost - zapadna filozofija
Sažetak:<Page, Tanya><Zeldin, Jesse><Scherer, John L.><Stammler, Heinrich A.><Shein, Louis J.><Terras, Victor><Miller, Robin F.><Scanlan, James P.><Zeldin, Mary-Barbara><Baer, Joachim T.><Forman, Betty Y.><Matich, Olga><Kline, George L.><Mlikotin, Anthony M.>
Signatura:SF 114145-3
Inventarni broj:55596
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:Children in a violent society / edited by Joy D. Osofsky ; foreword by Peter Scharf
Impresum:New York ; Lpndpn : Guilford , cop. 1997
Materijalni opis:338 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:zlostavljanje djece * prevencija * tretman
Sažetak:I: Scope of the problem Children and youth violence: An overview of the issue / Joy D. Osofsky * Exposure and response to community violence among children and adolescents / Esther J. Jenkins and Carl C. Bell * What children can tell us about living in a war zone / James Garbarino and Kathleen Kostelny * Firearm injuries affecting U.S. children and adolescents / Katherine Kaufer Christoffel * Media violence and youth / John P. Murray * The experience and effects of violence in infancy / Charles H. Zeanah and Michael S. Scheeringa * Incubated in terror: Neurodevelopmental factors in the "cycle of violence" / Bruce Perry * The development of violence and crime as it relates to security of attachment / Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, Miriam Steele and Howard Steele II: Prevention and intervention programs for children and families exposed to violence * Interventions with parents and caregivers of children who are exposed to violence / Betsy McAlister Groves and Barry Zuckerman * Experiencing violence in a developmental context / Steven Marans and Anne Adelman * The trauma/grief-focused group psychotherapy module of an elementary school-based violence prevention/intervention program / Lisa Murphy, Robert S. Pynoos and C. Boyd James * The Violence Intervention Project for Children and Families / Joy D. Osofsky * Perceptions of violence: Children, parents and police officers / Ana C. Fick, Joy D. Osofsky and Marva L. Lewis * Violent cities, violent streets: Children draw their neighborhoods / Marva L. Lewis and Joy D. Osofsky * Cops and kids: Issues for community policing / Pamela Jenkins, Ruth Seydlitz, Joy D .Osofsky and Ana C. Fick Prevention and policy: Directions for the future / Joy D. Osofsky
APA CC:3230
Ostali autori / urednici:Osofsky, Joy D.
Signatura:3230 97 CHI
Inventarni broj:9473
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Teorija priče : panorama ideja o umijeću pričanja : 1842. - 2005. / priredio Tomislav Sabljak ; [preveli Sonja Bašić ... et al.]
Impresum:Zagreb : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti , 2007
Materijalni opis:547 str. ; 24 cm
Jezik:hrvatski, srpski
Napomena:P. o.: Kronika ; 18-19-20, 2007. - Str. 493-517: Bilješke o autorima / priredila Ana Batinić. - Str. 519-525: Bibliografija ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Summary. - Kazalo imena / priredila Ana Batinić
Ključne riječi:kratka priča - teorija * novela - teorija * pripovijedanje - teorija
Sažetak:<Albahari, David><Andrić, Ivo><Bagić, Krešimir><Baldeshwiler, Eileen><Bates, Herbert Ernest><Bender, Hans><Biti, Vladimir><Blatnik, Andrej><Borges, Jorge Luis><Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole><Calvino, Italo><Carver, Raymond><Nehajev, Milutin><Cortázar, Julio><David, Filip><Delorko, Olinko><Desnica, Vladan><Donat, Branimir><Ejhenbaum, Boris Mihajlovič><Farrell, James Thomas><Ferguson, Suzanne C.><Flaker, Aleksandar><García Márquez, Gabriel><Gjalski, Ksaver Šandor><Gold, Herbert><Good, Graham><Gordimer, Nadine><Gullason, Thomas Arthur><Howe, Irwing><Hranilović, Jovan><Hyams, Edward><Ibler, Janko><Janković, Mira><Jarrell, Randall><Joyce, James><Jurković, Janko><Kafka, Franz><Kilchenmann, Ruth J.><Kiš, Danilo><Kmecl, Matjaž><Kolar, Slavko><Koš, Erih><Kovač, Mirko><Kovačić, Ivan Goran><Krklec, Gustav><Krleža, Miroslav><Kumičić, Eugen><Leibowitz, Judith><Machiedo, Mladen><Maraković, Ljubomir><Marinković, Ranko><Marjanović, Milan><Matoš, Antun Gustav><Matthews, Brander><May, Charles Edward><Meletinskij, Eleazar Moiseevič><Montale, Eugenio><Nedreaas, Torborg><Nemec, Krešimir><Nevistić, Ivan><Novak, Slobodan><Pasco, Allan H.><Pavletić, Vlatko><Peleš, Gajo><Petračić, Franjo><Poe, Edgar Allan><Polić Kamov, Janko><Pratt, Mary Louise><Reid, Ian><Ribnikar, Jara><Sábato Ferrari, Ernesto><Sablić-Tomić, Helena><Saroyan, William><Slamnig, Ivan><Solar, Milivoj><Stierle, Karlheinz><Szávai, János><Šenoa, August><Šicel, Miroslav><Šklovskij, Viktor Borisovič><Šoljan, Antun><Šoški, Luka><Šrepel, Milivoj><Thomka, Beáta><Todorov, Tzvetan><Tomaševskij, Boris Viktorovič><Wain, John><Wiese, Benno von>
Ostali autori / urednici:Sabljak, Tomislav
Signatura:SF 25488
Inventarni broj:74930
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:Antologija suvremene škotske drame / [priredio] Ian Brown ; prijevod Ksenija Horvat
Impresum:Zagreb : Hrvatski centar ITI , 1999
Materijalni opis:430 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Mansioni ; knj. 13
Napomena:Zastupljeni autori: Bryden, Bill ; Lochhead, Liz ; Clifford, John ; Munro, Rona ; Greenhorn, Stephen. - Str. 7-54: Nova renesansa ili uprizorenje naroda / Ian Brown
Ključne riječi:škotska dramska književnost
Sažetak:Willie Grubijan = Willie Rough / Bill Bryden. -Mariji, škotskoj kraljici, odsjekli su glavu = Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off / Liz Lochhead. -Ines de Castro / John Clifford. -Djevičanski kamen = The maiden stone / Rona Munro. -Mimoilazišta = Passing places / Stephen Greenhorn
UDK:792(091) + 821.152.2-2=163.42
Ostali autori / urednici:Brown, Ian ; Horvat, Ksenija
Signatura:792(091) ANT
Inventarni broj:99/104, 99/105, 04/1, 04/2, 04/3
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Bahn, Paul ; Beard, Mary ; Henderson, John
Naslov:Wege in die Antike : Kleine Einführung in die Archäologie und die Altertumswissenschaft = Classics. A Very Short Introduction; Archeology. A Very Short Introduction / Paul Bahn
Izdanje:njemačko izdanje
Impresum:Stuttgart : J. B. Metzler , [1999]
Materijalni opis:290 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm
Napomena:Prijevod djela: Classics. A Very Short Introduction; Archeology. A Very Short Introduction. - Preveli: Reinhard Brenneke i Barbara von Reibnitz. - Str. 264-266: karte. - Str. 267-272: kronološke tablice. - Str. 273-285: Bibliografija. - Str. 287-290: kazala
Ključne riječi:Antika * kulturna povijest * arheologija
Signatura:930.85(37/38) BAH w
Inventarni broj:13575
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za klasičnu filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/klasfilologija

Naslov:Attachment theory and close relationships / editors Jeffry A. Simpson, W. Steven Rholes
Impresum:New York, NY, US : The Guilford Press , cop. 1998
Materijalni opis:x, 438 str.
Napomena:Bibliografija uz svako poglavlje
Sažetak:Part I: Introduction: Attachment in adulthood / Jeffry A. Simpson and W. Steven Rholes. Part II: Measurement issues: Methods of assessing adult attachment: Do they converge? / Kim Bartholomew and Phillip R. Shaver. Self-report measurement of adult attachment: An integrative overview. / Kelly A. Brennan, Catherine L. Clark and Phillip R. Shaver. Adult attachment patterns: A test of the typological model. / R. Chris Fraley and Niels G. Waller. Working models of attachment: A theory-based prototype approach. / Eva C. Klohnen and Oliver P. John. Part III: Affect regulation: The relationship between adult attachment styles and emotional and cognitive reactions to stressful events / Mario Mikulincer and Victor Florian. Attachment orientations, social support, and conflict resolution in close relationships / W. Steven Rholes, Jeffry A. Simpson and Jami Grich Stevens. Adult attachment and relationship-centered anxiety: Responses to physical and emotional distancing / Judith A. Feeney. Part IV: Clinical applications: The role of attachment in therapeutic relationships / Mary Dozier and Christine Tyrrell. Dismissing-avoidance and the defensive organization of emotion, cognition, and behavior / R. Chris Fraley, Keith E. Davis and Phillip R. Shaver. Childhood revisited: The intimate relationships of individuals from divorced and conflict-ridden families / Kate Henry and John G. Holmes. The associations between adult attachment and couple violence: The role of communication patterns and relationship satisfaction / Nigel Roberts and Patricia Noller. Part V: Conceptual and empirical extensions: Evolution, Pair-bonding, and reproductive strategies: A reconceptualization of adult attachment / Lee A. Kirkpatrick. Adult romantic attachment and individual differences in attitudes toward physical contact in the context of adult romantic relationships / Kelly A. Brennan, Shey Wu and Jennifer Loev
APA CC:2840
Signatura:2840 98 ATT
Inventarni broj:9901
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Neuropsychology of memory / edited by Larry R. Squire and Nelson Butters
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1992
Materijalni opis:620 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:amnezije * neuropsihologija * poremećaji pamćenja * pamćenje * pamćenje lijekovi
Sažetak:Section I. Studies of normal and abnormal memory in humans * A neuropsychological model of memory and consciousness / Morris Moscovitch * What are the functional deficits that underlie amnesia? / Andrew R. Mayes * The role of fluency in the implicit and explicit task performance of amnesic patients / Laird S. Cermak and Mieke Verfaellie * Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations / Jeffrey P. Toth, D. Stephen Lindsay, and Larry L. Jacoby * Memory dissociations: A cognitive psychophysiology perspective / Russell M. Bauer and Mieke Verfaellie * Selective knowledge loss in activational and representational amnesias / Elkhonon Goldberg and William B. Barr * The contributions of emotional and motivational abnormalities to cognitive deficits in alcoholism and aging / Marlene Oscar-Berman * The problem of "localizing" memory in focal cerebrovascular lesions / D. Yves von Cramon and Hans J. Markowitsch * Learning and memory in humans, with an emphasis on the role of the hippocampus / Raymond P. Kesner, Ramona O. Hopkins and Andrea A. Chiba * Functional significance of etiological factors in human amnesia / Alan J. Parkin * The "new" and the "old": Components of the anterograde and retrograde memory loss in Korsakoff and Alzheimer patients / Michael D. Kopelman * Transient global amnesia / Mark Kritchevsky * Detecting amnesia's impostors / Jason Brandt * Systems of motor skill / Daniel B. Willingham * Impaired priming in Alzheimer's disease: Neuropsychological implications / David P. Salmon and William C. Heindel * The mobilization of procedural learning: The "key signature" of the basal ganglia / J. A. Saint-Cyr and A. E. Taylor * Procedural and declarative learning: Distinctions and interactions / Mary Jo Nissen * The assessment of memory disorders in patients with Alzheimer's disease / Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss * Degraded knowledge representations in patients with Alzheimer's disease: Implications for models of semantic and repetition priming / Alex Martin * Semantic memory dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease: Disruption of semantic knowledge or information-processing limitation? / Robert D. Nebes * A transfer-appropriate processing account for memory and amnesia / Peter Graf and Karen A. Gallie * Age-related changes in explicit and implicit memory / Hasker P. Davis and Patricia A. Bernstein * Aging and memory: A model systems approach / Paul R. Solomon and William W. Pendlebury * Cholinomimetic therapy in Alzheimer's disease / Leon J. Thal * A strategy for studying memory disorders in multiple sclerosis / William W. Beatty * Posttraumatic and retrograde amnesia after closed head injury / Harvey S. Levin, Matthew A. Lilly, Andrew Papanicolaou and Howard M. Eisenberg * Implicit memory and errorless learning: A link between cognitive theory and neuropsychological rehabilitation? / Alan D. Baddeley * Rehabilitation and memory disorders / Barbara A. Wilson Section II. Studies of monkeys and rodents * The components of the medial temporal lobe memory system / Stuart Zola-Morgan and Larry R. Squire * The role of the hippocampus-fornix-mammillary system in episodic memory / David Gaffan * A hypothesis on primal long-term memory: Neurophysiological evidence in the primate temporal cortex / Yasushi Miyashita, Han Soo Chang and Koichi Mori * Aging, memory, and cholinergic systems: Studies using delayed-matching and delayed-nonmatching tasks in rats / Stephen B. Dunnett * The aging septo-hippocampal system: Its role in age-related memory impairments / David S. Olton and Alicja L. Markowska * Neuromodulatory systems and the regulation of memory storage / James L. McGaugh * Modulation of memory processing: Enhancement of memory in rodents and humans / Paul E. Gold * Toward a comprehensive account of hippocampal function: Studies of olfactory learning permit an integration of data across multiple levels of neurobiological analysis / Tim Otto and Howard Eichenbaum * The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in learning and memory: An animal model approach / Gordon Winocur * Role of diencephalic lesions and thiamine deficiency in Korsakoff's amnesia: Insights from animal models / Philip J. Langlais * Thiamine deficiency as an animal model of diencephalic amnesia / Robert G. Mair, John K. Robinson and Susan M. Koger * Emotional memories in the brain / Joseph LeDoux * Analysis of aversive memories using the fear-potentiated startle paradigm / Michael Davis * Memory: A behavioristic and neuroscientific approach / Garth J. Thomas and J. M. Ordy * Beyond neuronal excitability: Receptive field analysis reveals that association specifically modifies the representation of auditory information / Norman M. Weinberger * Knowledge structures in temporally adaptive conditioned responding / John W. Moore Section III. Studies in birds and invertebrates * Memory, the hippocampus, and natural selection: Studies of food-storing birds / David F. Sherry * Studying stages of memory formation with chicks / Mark R. Rosenzweig, Edward L. Bennett, Joe L. Martinez, Jr., Paul J. Colombo, Diane W. Lee and Peter A. Serrano * On chicks and rosetta stones / Steven P. R. Rose * Molecular interrelationships between short- and long-term memory / Timothy E. Kennedy, Robert D. Hawkins and Eric R. Kandel * Analysis of short- and long-term enhancement produced by one-trial conditioning in Hermissenda: Implications for mechanisms of short- and long-term memory / Terry J. Crow * Snails' tales: Initial comparisons of synaptic plasticity underlying learning in Hermissenda and Aplysia / Gregory A. Clark and Erin M. Schuman
APA CC:2520
Ostali autori / urednici:Squire, Larry R. ; Butters, Nelson
Signatura:2520 92 NEU
Inventarni broj:9611
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:More Talking of Shakespeare / edited by John Garrett
Impresum:London [etc.] : Longmans , 1959
Materijalni opis:ix, 190 str. ; 23 cm
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost * književna kritika * Shakespeare
Sažetak:1. Wags, Clowns and Jesters by <Nevill Coghill> 2. 'As You Like It' by <Helen Gardner> 3. A Classical Scholar Looks at Shakespeare by <H. D. F. Kitto> 4. The Question of Character in Shakespeare by <L. C. Knights> 5. Shakespeare's Pastoral Comedy by <Mary Lascelles> 6. The Heights and Depths: A Scene from 'King Lear' by <Harry Levin> 7. Shakespeare and the Dramatic Critics by <Norman Marshall> 8. Shakespeare's Men and Their Morals by <J. I. M. Stewart> 9. The Success of 'Much Ado About Nothing' by <Graham Storey> 10. The Language of the Last Plays by <James Sutherland> 11. The Mind of Shakespeare by <John Wain> 12. Medicine and Surgery in the 1955 Season's Plays by <Henry Yellowlees>
Signatura:AN 820.09SHAKESPEARE MOR
Inventarni broj:8347
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor(i):McCarthy, Mary
Naslov:[A] Nineteenth-Century Childhood / Mary McCarthy ; with an introduction by John Betjeman
Impresum:London : Hamish Hamilton , 1950
Materijalni opis:100 str. ; 19 cm
Ključne riječi:američka proza
Signatura:AN 820-3 MCC N
Inventarni broj:17370
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Naslov:Roman : rađanje moderne književnosti / priredio Aleksandar Petrov
Impresum:Beograd : Nolit , 1975
Materijalni opis:535 str. ; 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Književnost i civilizacija
Napomena:Str. [9]-17: Predgovor / Aleksandar Petrov. - Str. [523]-535: Bibliografija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst
Ključne riječi:roman * teorija romana
Sažetak:<Dostoevskij, Fedor Mihajlovič><Flaubert, Gustave><Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevič><Zola, Emile><James, Henry><Leskov, Nikolaj Semenovič><Maupassant, Guy de><Conrad, Joseph><Svevo, Italo><Unamuno, Miguel de><Wells, Herbert George><Gide, André><Proust, Marcel><Ford, Ford Madox><Mann, Thomas><Hesse, Hermann><Remizov, Aleksej Mihajlovič><Döblin, Alfred><Doderer, Heimito von><Forster, Edward Morgan><Belyj, Andrej><Musil, Robert><Joyce, James><Woolf, Virginia><Zamjatin, Evgenij Ivanovič><Lawrence, David Herbert><Kazandzakis, Nikos><Mauriac, François>Broch, Hermann><Čapek, Karel><Pasternak, Boris Leonidovič><Mandel'štam, Osip Emil'evič><Bulgakov, Mihail Afanas'evič><Erenburg, Il'ja Grigor'evič><Miller, Henry><Paustovskij, Konstantin Georgievič><Andrić, Ivo><Crnjanski, Miloš><Krleža, Miroslav><Šklovskij, Viktor Borisovič><Pil'njak, Boris Andreevič><Huxley, Aldous><Fitzgerald, Francis, Scott><Dos Passos, John><Wilder, Thornton><Faulkner, William><Hemingway, Ernest><Asturias, Miguel Ángel><Leonov, Leonid Maksimovič><Bowen, Elizabeth><Nossack, Hans Erich><Sarraute, Nathalie><Steinbeck, John><Orwell, George><Queneau, Raymond><Simenon, Georges><Gombrowicz, Witold><Greene, Graham><Carpentier, Alejo><Warren, Robert Penn>Sartre, Jean-Paul><Beckett, Samuel><Pavese, Cesare><Moravia, Alberto>Vittorini, Elio><Camus, Albert><McCarthy, Mary><Horst, Karl August><Ellison, Ralph><Cortäzar, Julio><Bellow, Saul><Solženicyn, Aleksandr Isaevič><Brandys, Kazimierz><Böll, Heinrich><Murdoch, Iris><Robbe-Grillet, Alain><Kerouac, Jack><Calvino, Italo><Höllerer, Walter><Jens, Walter><Mailer, Norman><Styron, William><Butor, Michel><Walser, Martin><Updike, John><Thibaudeau, Jean><Solers, Philippe>
Ostali autori / urednici:Petrov, Aleksandar
Signatura:SF 110792
Inventarni broj:47955
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Naslov:Library and Information Briefings : LIBS / Feeney Mary ; Martyn John
Impresum:London : South Bank University , 1997-
Materijalni opis:30 cm
Ostali autori / urednici:Feeney, Mary ; Martyn, John
Podaci o fondu:75,76,77/78,79(1997) ; 82,83,85(1998) ; 86,87,88(1999) ; 89/90,91(2000) ; 92,93,94,95(2001)
Vrsta građe:Časopis
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:The Kristeva critical reader / edited by John Lechte and Mary Zournazi
Impresum:Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , cop. 2003
Materijalni opis:x, 246 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Str. 220-234: Bibliografija. - Bilješke o autorima. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:Kristeva, Julia
UDK:82.07 * 159.9 * 82.0
Ostali autori / urednici:Lechte, John ; Zournazi, Mary
Namjena :poslijediplomski studij književnosti
Signatura:82.07 KRIC
Inventarni broj:III-2732
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Policy issues in contemporary personnel and industrial relations / editors Mary Green Miner, John B. Miner
Impresum:New York : Macmillan , cop. 1977
Materijalni opis:580 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja
Ključne riječi:industrijska psihologija
APA CC:3600
Ostali autori / urednici:Miner, Mary Green ; Miner, John B.
Inventarni broj:3978
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Jacobus de Voragine
Naslov:The golden legend : readings on the saints / Jacobus de Voragine ; translated by William Granger Ryan
Impresum:Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , cop. 1993
Materijalni opis:2 sv.(391, 400 str.) ; 24 cm
Ključne riječi:kršćanski sveci - biografije * biografije
Sažetak:Vol. 1. -Prologue. -1. The Advent of the Lord. -2. Saint Andrew, Apostld. -3. Saint Nicholas. -4. Saint Lucy, Virgin. -5. Saint Thomas, Apostle. -6. The birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh. -7. Saint Anastasia. -8. Saint Stephen. -9. Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist. -10. The holy innocents. -11. Saint Thomas of Cantenbury. -12. Saint Silvester. -13. TThe Circumcision of the Lord. -14. The epiphany of the Lord. -15. Saint, Paul, Hermit. -16. Saint Remy. -17. Saint Hilary. -18. Saint Macarius. -19. Saint Felix. -20. Saint Marcellus. -21. Sint Anthony. -22. Saint Fabian. -23. Saint Sebastian. -24. Saint Agnes, Virgin. -25. Saint Vincent. -26. Saint Basil, bishop. -27. Saing John the Almsgiver. -28. The Conversion ot Saint Paul, Apostle. -29. Saint Paula. -30. Saint Julian. -31. Seotuagesima. -32. Sexagesima. -33. Quinguagesima. -34. Quadragesima. -35. The ember day fasts. -36. Saint Ignatius. -37. The purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. -38. Saint Blaise. -39. Saing Agatha, Virgin. -40. Saint Vaast. -41. Saint Amand. -42. Saint Valentine. -43. Saint Juliana. -44. The chair of the Saint Peter. -45. Saint Matthias, Apostle. -46. Saint Gregory. -47. Saing Longinus. -48. Saint Sophia and her three daughters. -49. Saint Benedict. -50. Saint Patrick. -51. The Annunciation of the Lord. -52. Saint Timothy. -53. The Passion ot the Lord. -54. The Resurrection of the Lord. -55. Saint Secundus. -56. Saint Mary of Egypt. -57. Saint Ambrose. -58. Saint George. -59. Saint Mark, Evangelist. -...
Podaci o svescima:Vol. 1. - xviii, 391 str. ISBN 0-691-00865-5
Vol. 2. ISBN 0-691-03178-9
x, 400 str
Signatura:24 JAC G(1,2)
Inventarni broj:97/150, 97/152
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):John, Mary
Naslov:Children's rights and power : charging up for a new century / Mary John
Impresum:London, New York : Jessica Kingsley Publishers , 2003
Materijalni opis:304 str. ; 24 cm
Ključne riječi:pedagogija
Signatura:PE C 3630
Inventarni broj:16867
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za pedagogiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/pedagogija

Autor:Westbury, John R.
Naslov:Kinematic event patterns in speech : special problems
Matična publikacija:Language and speech / [joint editors H. Timothy Bunnell, Irene B. Vogel]. - 43 (2000), 4 ; str. 403-428
Impresum:London : Kingston Press
Napomena:Bibliografija: 24 jed
Ključne riječi:proizvodnja govora * artikulacija * govorni pokreti
SignaturaBF 81'1 LAN inv. br. 190
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka fonetike

Autor(i):Beard, Mary ; North, John ; Price, Simon
Naslov:Religions of Rome : a sourcebook / Mary Beard, John North, Simon Price
Impresum:Cambridge : University Press , 2001
Materijalni opis:416 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Religions of Rome ; Vol. 2
Napomena:Str. 403-404: Popis ilustracija. - Str. 405-416: Kazalo. - Str. 371-402: Bibliografija
Ključne riječi:religija * kult * kalendar * božanstva * Mitra * misterije * kršćanstvo
Signatura:29 BEARD rel
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za arheologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/arheologija

Naslov:Temperament in childhood / edited by Geldolph A. Kohnstamm, John E. Bates, Mary Klevjord Rothbart
Impresum:Chichester [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons , cop. 1989
Materijalni opis:XVII, 641 str. ; 26 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazala
APA CC:2840
Ostali autori / urednici:Kohnstamm, Geldolph ; Bates, John E. ; Rothbart, Mary Klevjord
Signatura:2840 89 TEM
Inventarni broj:6934
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Rama the steadfast : an early form of the Ramayana / translated by John Brockington and Mary Brockington
Impresum:London : Penguin Books , 2006
Materijalni opis:XXXVIII, 449 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Penguin Classics
Napomena:Genealogije. - Kazalo i rječnik
Ključne riječi:indijska književnost * sanskrtska književnost - epika * književna teorija * Ramayana
Ostali autori / urednici:Brockington, John ; Brockington, Mary
Namjena :ind
Signatura:LO 891.2-13.09 RAM
Inventarni broj:20416
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za lingvistiku i orijentalne studije, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/lingvistika

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(John Mary )
